Chilly Hilly

In celebration of the first year I've had Sundays off work, I am going to ride the Chilly Hilly this year in Seattle. This ride, sponsored by Cascade Bicycle Club (aren't they all?) takes place on the last Sunday in February (the 28th this year) and tours Bainbridge Island. 

While it wasn't an option for me to do this ride before without using a precious vacation day, I never really wanted to. Major Cascade rides have a tendency to be over-attended and under-fun. However, last year's Flying Wheels Century was so much fun that my views are changing a bit. I expect this one to be a blast.

Of note, the Cascade website states that this ride tends to be 25% female and 75% male. I have seen more female riders in Washington than any other state I've ridden in, so I find this statistic a little startling. As a female, I feel obligated to represent..and try to figure out why it is so unbalanced.

On a side note, the website also claimed Bicycling Magazine named the Chilly Hilly "One of Four Classic Rides in the Nation." This is a pretty impressive label, and, being a fan of Bicycling magazine, I followed the link. Sadly, the link took me to a landing page of click-bait, albeit bicycling-themed, not unlike the worst of the worst website out there. First I saw an article about Justin Beiber "nearly causing a whole cycling team to crash", when I fell for the click bait I read that it was merely a photo op for the team. Really, Bicycling? This is what you have reduced yourself to? To make it worse, on the bottom of the page were tons of links that I have to assume were sponsored ads and not things actually reviewed and approved by the magazine. First was an article about how women over 35 are bound to gain fat around their waists more than any other group of people, and how most exercises (including cardio!) will only make it worse for these doomed old women. Next to that was an article of nothing more than provocative photographs of healthy and fit women advertised for no other reason than being "hot/beautiful/sexy." There is nothing the media won't stop at trying to exploit women for their physical features. Bicycling, I was just starting to respect you as a magazine that strove to serve cyclists. Now, your website takes me back to your image of instead serving "men who like to bike." Do you see the difference there? But I digress.  

Back to the subject at hand, I am excited to ride in the Chilly Hilly! I'm excited to be a part of the 25% gender bracket and pull through those climbs and brave the temperatures. Maybe I'll be sexy while I'm doing, maybe I won't. I'll leave that up for the media to squabble over.